Back Alley Gould
If you have been to Yonge and Dundas in the last 5 years you know it is a mess because of the Metropolis entertainment complex being built on the north east corner. This alley off of Gould Street is where most of supplies for the Metropolis project is being received. Now the construction crew has taken over half of Victoria Street so wer Ryerson students are forced to put up with taking detours, walking indirect paths and walking on dirt, rocks and everything else every morning. This building better be beautiful. At least they've picked up construction. It's taken them 5 years to build 4 floors and a basement but those 4 floors have been built in the last 3 months so if politicians, bureaucrats and private minds take it easy for a while maybe it could be done by the end of the year. Here's hoping!

Dave! Stop spreading information with the an image that does not correspond. You took a picture of Salad King and the wrong angle of the construction. Next time try to capture it on Dundas as oppose Gould.
I'm Mohamed; I know things!
9:04 p.m.
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