This site is meant to introduce you to the Toronto that you do not see on postcards or calendars. There are communities in Toronto that do not receive recognition from the media, politicians or from people that do not live there. The Inner City has been established to introduce you to these neighbourhoods in and around Toronto and provide you with a perspective of the city that is more than the CN Tower and Yonge Street. The blog is changed everyday so be sure to check it out regularly.

Monday, May 29, 2006

the boonies

This is why we urban planners hate the 'burbs (actually I shouldn't say that, many 'urban' planners love the suburbs for some strange reason). Surburban developers clear hectares of land of their forest and richness to build single-family house on twisted street patterns. This neighbourhood will probably be so unoriginal that if you stood in it when it is complete you couldn't even be able to tell what neighbourhood you are in, in what city, or even what part of North America, really! I mean, look at it now, you probably have no idea where this is other than obviously not in a major city. Its in Vaughan, between Major Mackenzie and Rutherford, between Keele and Dufferin I believe. See, its so boring up there I don't even know where I was. But the amount of land on this property is huge, it probably takes up over half of that square made by those four major routes mentioned. {May 28th, 2006}O_x


Blogger sappletown said...

oops, my bad. thanks for the comment & heads up.

10:39 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this subdivision is gonna be the bomb-digity, u dig? burbs are what make the world go round!

4:27 p.m.


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