This site is meant to introduce you to the Toronto that you do not see on postcards or calendars. There are communities in Toronto that do not receive recognition from the media, politicians or from people that do not live there. The Inner City has been established to introduce you to these neighbourhoods in and around Toronto and provide you with a perspective of the city that is more than the CN Tower and Yonge Street. The blog is changed everyday so be sure to check it out regularly.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Urban Infill

Construction site of a new supermarket at Jane and Denison/Trethewey. {April 18th, 2006} O_x


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which supermarket chain is going to open up shop in this neighbourhood?

1:23 p.m.

Blogger sappletown said...

believe it will be a Sobeys. On Weston road fortinos is building one of their superstores. they are ridiculous because you can walk into that store and buy your pants, your books, your turkey and your table to eat it on all at the same time. capitalism and imperialism at its prime, such a shame its in the historic Weston now!

11:04 p.m.


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